Strategic Directions and Scorecard Report

Strategic Directions 2019-2024
Board of Education
Mr. Vincent Engstrom, President
Mrs. Lisa Willuweit, Vice President
Mr. Dennis Peterson, Secretary
Mr. Jack Buscemi
Mrs. Jodi Krause
Mrs. Tammy Mastroianni
Mr. Eric Rogers
Dr. Jim Woell
Mr. Joe Pisano – Evergreen Elementary School
Dr. Michael Fitzgerald – Benjamin Middle School
Introduction: Strategic Directions 2019-2024 has been developed based on the prior strategic plan and it is the result of feedback from students, staff, parents, and the community to identify strengths and needs.
Purpose: The plan defines the core work of the school district for the next five years. It is a dynamic process that is regularly updated.
Access: Strategic Directions 2019-2024 is continually publicized using a variety of communication strategies. The plan is available at the Administration Service Center, Evergreen Elementary School, and Benjamin Middle School. Also, it is available at the school district’s website,
All students and staff to achieve their full potential in learning and teaching.
Mission Statement
We are committed to all students achieving at the highest level and building character to prepare them to be successful throughout their lives.
District Beliefs
(Order does not signify priority)
Guiding Principles
All children can learn and in different ways.
Education focuses on the whole-child.
Education is the collaborative responsibility of students, parents, educators/support staff, and community.
Each child has value and will be a contributing member of society.
Learning is a lifelong experience.
Roles and Expectations
Parents are the primary lifelong teachers of children.
A well-prepared staff willing to grow professionally is essential for learning.
Children must learn to make responsible choices in order to be productive citizens.
Learning takes place through personal effort, collaboration and taking responsible risks.
Children need a safe, supportive environment in which to learn.
Our district is part of a global community of learners.
Expectations for Excellence
High expectations stimulate growth.
All children must learn how to learn.
Each child is challenged and given the opportunity to individually succeed in an ever-changing world.
Meeting each child’s social and emotional needs is critical in order for students to be successful.
District Goals 2019-2024
Goal 1: Improve the achievement of all students
1a. Analyze student performance information to determine an effective course of action for improving teaching and learning
1b. Continuously update curriculum
1c. Provide professional development aligned to the learning needs of students
1d. Hire and retain highly effective staff
Strategies | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 |
1a.1: Use a variety of criteria, but not limited to state, district and teacher assessments to shape future instruction and curriculum. | R | R | R | R | R |
1b.1: Refine alignment of curriculum to Illinois Learning Standards and select instructional print and digital resources | C | R | R | R | R |
1b.2: Continually enhance grading system including: grades, report cards, honor roll | R | R | R | R | R |
1c.1: Provide research-based and aligned professional development: | R | R | R | R | R |
1d.1: Enhance recruiting, hiring and retaining staff: | R | R | R | R | R |
Key for strategies timeline:
I- Introduce; C-Complete; R-Revision Ongoing; NA-Not Applicable
Goal 2: Continue to expand the communication with the Benjamin District 25 Schools and its Stakeholders
2a. Emphasize and communicate the schools’ noteworthy education programs, the accomplishments of students and staff, and financial information; enhance two-way communication between the district and stakeholders
Strategies | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 |
2: Extend the communication in the district and community: | R | R | R | R | R |
Goal 3: Ensure organizational efficiency and fiscal stability
3a. Continually improve the efficiency of the organization
3b. Maintain fiscal stability
Strategies | 2019-2020 | 2020-2021 | 2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 |
3a.1: Expand collaboration with surrounding schools, especially partner | R | R | R | R | R |
3b.1: Identify, implement and publicize previous and new cost-saving measures and external revenue sources such as grants | R | R | R | R | R |
Key for strategies timeline:
I- Introduce; C-Complete; R-Revision Ongoing; NA-Not Applicable
Process to Develop Strategic Directions 2019-2024
The Strategic Directions 2019-2024 is updated annually to improve the core work that is to be achieved.
The process used to create the plan is described below:
Task | Participants | Responsibility | Completion Date |
1. Administer survey a to gain feedback from stakeholders | PTA | Superintendent & Technology Information Coordinator | January 2019 |
2. Compile and analyze survey results | N/A | Superintendent & Technology Information Coordinator | February 2019 |
3. Develop Strategic Directions 2019-2024 draft and gain feedback | PTA | Superintendent | March 2019 |
4. Present Strategic Directions 2019-2024 finalized draft at School Board meeting for consideration of approval | School Board | Superintendent | June 10, 2019 |
5. Publicize approved Strategic Directions 2019-2024 | N/A | Superintendent and Staff | Ongoing |
6. Update | School Board | Superintendent | Annually |
Benjamin Elementary School District 25 Scorecard Report for 2017-2018
Goal I: Improve Achievement of All Students | Indicators | Target | 2014-2015 | 2015-2016 | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 |
Evergreen & Benjamin | State Achievement Test compiled scores (this test measures mastery of specified standards) | 90% Total | N/A | Refer to chart on Page 2 | Refer to chart on Page 2 | Refer to |
Evergreen & Benjamin | STAR: | 75% | Evergreen | Evergreen | Evergreen | Evergreen |
Evergreen & Benjamin | AIMSweb: % in bottom quartile | 15% | E: 4.7% | E: 7.25% | E: 10.7% | E: 9.1% |
Benjamin | Grades 6-8 student participation in at least one extracurricular activity | 80% | 85% | 87% | 89% | 87% |
Evergreen & Benjamin | Student Attendance: % | 95% | E: 95.7% | E: 95.7% | E: 95.5% | E: 95.5% |
Evergreen & Benjamin | Student major | R = less than 10% | R = 6.1% | R = 4.5% | R = 5.8% | R = 5.4% |
Superintendent | Staff retention: % (exclude retirements & terminations) | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Superintendent | Staff qualifications: highly qualified | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
Superintendent | Teacher attendance: % | 95% | 97.30% | 96.50% | 93.7%* | 93.9%* |
Technology | Computer/Student ratio | 1 / 2 | 1/.62 | 1/.60 | 1 / .60 | 1/.8 |
Technology | Average age of computers | 4 Years | 1.6 | 1.65 | 2.7 Years | .8 Years |
*Includes five long-term leaves so would have met target otherwise
2014-2015 PARCC | |
No benchmarks |
PARCC | 2015 - 2016 | 2015 - 2016 | 2015 - 2016 |
Grade | Below Expectations | Nearly Meets | Meets or Exceeds |
3 | 15% / 3% / NA | 28% / 21% / NA | 57% / 76% / NA |
4 | 14% / 12% / NA | 44% / 42% / NA | 42% / 46% / NA |
5 | 19% / 12% / TBD | 27% / 15% / TBD | 54% / 73% / TBD |
6 | 30% / 19% / NA | 30% / 29% / NA | 41% / 52% / NA |
7 | 31% / 16% / NA | 42% / 44% / NA | 27% / 40% / NA |
8 | 28% / 25% / TBD | 34% / 25% / TBD | 38% / 50% / TBD |
PARCC | 2016 - 2017 | 2016 - 2017 | 2016 - 2017 |
Grade | Below Expectations | Nearly Meets | Meets or Exceeds |
3 | 23% / 7% | 31% / 34% | 46% / 59% |
4 | 9% / 11% | 19% / 24% | 72% / 65% |
5 | 21% / 19% | 18% / 37% | 61% / 44% |
6 | 20% / 15% | 22% / 22% | 58% / 63% |
7 | 25% / 23% | 29% / 44% | 46% / 33% |
8 | 20% / 27% | 28% / 24% | 52% / 49% |
PARCC | 2017 - 2018 | 2017 - 2018 | 2017 - 2018 |
Grade | Below Expectations | Nearly Meets | Meets or Exceeds |
3 | 18%/11% | 42%/23% | 40%/66% |
4 | 12%/17% | 27%/32% | 61%/51% |
5 | 17%/14%/19% | 20%/25% | 63%/61%/81% |
6 | 16%/16% | 32%/30% | 52%/54% |
7 | 22%/16% | 19%27% | 59%/57% |
8 | 26%/29%/23% | 25%/24% | 49%/47%/77% |
Goal II: Increase Communications Between Schools & Stakeholders | Indicators | Target | 2014-2015 | 2015-2016 | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 |
Superintendent | Parent support: 5Essentials Survey | 85% | 5Essentials state survey not available | 86% | 84% | 90% |
Evergreen & Benjamin | Parental contact (P/T Conferences, visits to school, visits to home, telephone conversations, written | 100% | E = 100% B = 100% | E = 100%B = 100% | E = 100%B = 100% | E = 100%B = 100% |
Superintendent | Meetings with District Advisory Council (parents, community, students): Frequency per year | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | |
Technology | PowerSchool student records accessed: % (Computer & Mobile devices) | 100% | 120% | 136% | 152% | 162% |
Goal III: Ensure Organizational Efficiency & Fiscal Stability | Indicators | Target | 2014-2015 | 2015-2016 | 2016-2017 | 2017-2018 |
Business Office | Utility costs: % change from previous year | 10% reduction | 4.5% | 5% | 2% | 6.4% |
Business Office | Work order completion: % tech & maintenance work orders completed on time as specified | 75% | 90.60% | 83.22% | 77.86% | |
Business Office | Facility project completion: % completion of summer projects | 100% | 100% | 95% | 100% | 100% |
Business Office | Financial profile score: *** Certificate of Financial Recognition | At least 3.8% | 3.90% | 3.55% | 4.00% | 3.90% |
Business Office | Revenue compared to Budget: June ** | June: at least 98% | June = | 101% | *June = | TBD |
Business Office | Expenditures compared to budget: June ** | June at most 100% | June = | 96.2 | *June = | TBD |
Business Office | Fund balance for annual expenditure for operations | 50% w/o early taxes 2012-2015 | 40% w/o early taxes; 82.25% w/early taxes | 45% w/o early taxes; 89% w/early taxes | 49.1% w/o early taxes; 95% w/early taxes | TBD |
*Capital projects & bond issue not included.
**Excludes debt service and state on-behalf payments.
***Category decreased due to reduction of tax revenue to education fund. Tax rate for the Education Fund for the school district is at the maximum due to the combination of the tax cap and reduction of assessed valuation.
Updated 12/5/18